Student leaders visit the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office

December 21, 2021

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The Georgia Civic Awareness Program for Students (GCAPS) took a special trip to the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office and its Forensics department to learn more about how our law enforcement officers keep us safe.

The high school students took a tour of the Law Enforcement Center (LEC), then made their way over to forensics to learn how officers use technology to catch criminals.

“I thought it was a great experience. It shows me to always do good and don’t do bad things that can land me behind bars,” said GCAPS member Cameron McKay.

“I see this on TV shows, but it’s different seeing it in person,” said GCAPS member Ari Taylor.

At the end of their visit, Sheriff David Davis gave each student a Bibb County Sheriff’s Deputy pin.

Students in GCAPS will continue to take trips to different government agencies and businesses through the school year. GCAPS teaches young people about government operations in our community and state. During this time, they will meet local and state leaders and elected officials, and learn how to conduct themselves in a professional environment.

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