Macon-Bibb County


Christy Iuliucci

Christy Iuliucci
Christy Iuliucci

Director of Finance Department

Christy Iuliucci has been selected as the Finance Director for the new, consolidated Macon-Bibb County; the Finance Director will also serve as the Finance Officer named in the Charter. Since September 2003, Mrs. Iuliucci served as the Assistant Finance Director for Bibb County, assisting with the preparation of the operating budget and capital improvements plan; developing expenditure projections and non-departmental cost projections; assisting with oversight of all accounting, financial reporting, and internal control activities; and supervising administration, accounting, and reporting for federal and state grants.

Prior to Bibb County, Mrs. Iuliucci was the Audit Manager for CLHP, LLP, in Macon; a Forensic Auditor for Shore & Azimov, PC, in Atlanta; and an Underwriter for GEICO Insurance Company in Macon. She is a Certified Public Accountant and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Georgia Government Finance Officers Association, Georgia Finance Officers Association, and Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Mrs. Iuliucci earned her Bachelor of Business Administration with a Major in Accounting and her Bachelor of Science with a Major in Art Marketing from Georgia College and State University. She has lived in Macon-Bibb for the past 17 years and is married to Dan Iuliucci, with whom she has 2 children. She currently attends Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church and stays active in the community through several charitable organizations including the Boy Scouts of America, where she currently serves as the Treasurer for her son’s local Pack.